Committed with Tomorrow
Sonae’s commitment to sustainability is a commitment from all to all. The ambition
established requires joint action by the businesses in our portfolio to accelerate the
progress and sustainable performance of Sonae for the future of the planet and people.
For a Future for People and the Planet
Every day we are challenged to rethink the way we live and interact with things, and
develop business in ever changing world. However, where there are challenges, there
are new opportunities, and so we set ambitious goals for a better future. With the
talent, energy and commitment of all, we make the right path for a fairer society and
a regenerative planet.
(Our Approach)
Action Axes
Hover over each icon to
see more information
Combating climate change
and advancing our fossil
fuel independence
Biodiversity and Water
Promoting their protection,
restoration and regeneration
Managing with
ESG criteria
Supporting decision
making with ESG requirements

Human Development
Ensuring a diverse, inclusive
and fair environment for both our
employees and communities
Looking for new production and consumption models,
aiming to preserve natural resources and systems
Combating climate change
and advancing our fossil
fuel independence
Biodiversity and Water
Promoting their protection,
restoration and regeneration
Human Development
Ensuring a diverse, inclusive
and fair environment for both our
employees and communities
Looking for new production and consumption models,
aiming to preserve natural resources and systems
Managing with
ESG criteria
Supporting decision
making with ESG requirements
Central axis
Action Axes
Scope of action