Sonae and its brands are available to clarify your doubts, receive suggestions, compliments and complains.
Select below the reason for your contact and talk to us!
Job Opportunities
To submit your application, please go the “People” section of the website:
In case you have any login problem on the Job Opportunities platform, please send an email to
Companies and Brands
To access all direct contacts of Sonae’s companies and brands, please click on one of the following link:
Market Relations
For issues concerning capital markets, please send us a letter to the following address:
Luzia Leonor Borges e Gomes Ferreira
Market Relations Representative
Lugar do Espido, Via Norte, Apartado 1011
4471-909 Maia, Portugal
For issues concerning investments at Sonae, please contact:
Ricardo Figueiredo Rocha
Head of Investor Relations
+351 220 104 794
For issues concerning Sonae Ombudsperson, please contact:
Marta Cordeiro Cunha
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee has jurisdiction to receive and forward reports involving members of the Governing Bodies, the Ombudsperson, Investors in a broad sense and any other case it may consider appropriate.
Lugar do Espido, Via Norte,4470-157 Maia
For issues concerning sustainability at Sonae, please contact:
Sonae General Contact
Lugar do Espido, Via Norte, Apartado 1011
4471-909 Maia, Portugal
+351 220 104 000