• Accelerating Decarbonization

  • Valuing Biodiversity and Water

  • Managing with ESG criteria

  • Promoting Circularity

  • Enhancing Human Development


    Deposit Refund Schemes (DRS)

    "Quando do Velho se Faz Novo, todos ganham. Ganha o Planeta!"

    "Quando do Velho se Faz Novo, todos ganham. Ganha o Planeta!"

    MC, through its Continente stores, as become part of a national pilot project “Quando do Velho se Faz Novo, todos ganham. Ganha o Planeta!”, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action, through the installation of Reverse Vending Machines (RVM’s), geographically distributed throughout the country, which guarantees the automatic deposit of beverage packaging.
    The balance could not have been more positive for the planet, since 2020 the machines at the Continente stores led to the collection of more than 14.7 million plastic packages, which will be sent for recycling to be incorporated into new bottles.
    The refund can be issued through a voucher and discounted at Continente stores or choose to donate the amount received to an institution. In this way the system has a double positive impact – for the environment and for social causes. Through these initiatives, consumers are encouraged to adopt sustainable behaviours, so that the material collected is recycled and incorporated into the production of new packaging, thus contributing to a more circular economy.

    2022 WHERE WE ARE

    collection of more than 2.3 million plastic packages

    automatic collection machines in 25 Continente stores