• Accelerating Decarbonization

  • Valuing Biodiversity and Water

  • Managing with ESG criteria

  • Promoting Circularity

  • Enhancing Human Development


    Teach for Portugal

    Working with future generations

    Working with future generations

    Our Teach for Portugal initiative has already reached a total of 12.7 thousand students (1.6 thousand in 2023) and shares Sonae’s vision that all children have the right to an education that allows them to reach their full potential. Teach for Portugal embraces the challenge of supporting teachers and students in schools located in areas marked by low-income levels. The project assigns graduate mentors to an educational community. The graduate mentor pairs up with a teacher (MentorTeacher) and sup-ports the teacher in class activities, but, more importantly, in helping students to develop in areas such as self-confidence, determination and perseverance.